3 Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Symptoms

March 19, 2018


Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia where you experience various mental disabilities. Simply put, there are three stages of Alzheimer’s disease:

Mild Stage

In this stage, the disability is just starting to manifest itself in non-major symptoms like the following:

  • Short-Term Memory Loss.
    This means forgetting recent events. For instance, if the person was just at a party, there is a chance that they will not remember having been there at all. They may find it strange if you told them about the event, as they will not readily remember it.
  • Mood Swings.
    Changes in mood might set in, as some of them will become withdrawn, especially in social situations. They may not want to engage in socialization and prefer to be on their own.
  • Difficulty Communicating.
    At this stage, there may be times when they forget the words apt for the sentence they are trying to say. They may also say incoherent things because it is increasingly difficult for them to express ideas.
  • Losing or Misplacing Objects.
    They will probably forget that their eyeglasses are just on top of their heads, as well as misplacing keys or money.

Moderate Stage

In this stage, the patient now needs care and assistance from the people around him/her because the disability is turning more complicated. Here are the symptoms:

  • Being Confused.
    They will start to lose track of days, feeling that they don’t know where they are, and even confusing family members for strangers.
  • Change in Personality and Behavior.
    They may become suspicious of the people around them even if they are family members who he has known for a long time.
  • Increased Irritability.
    His mood swings are now turning into agitation, as there may be certain pains or memory lapses he is feeling. He may feel threatened by certain people too, which will make him angry.

Severe Stage

This is the stage where the patient will need more care than ever. Here are the symptoms that the disease has already progressed:

  • Loss of Communication Abilities.
    The patient will no longer be able to construct coherent sentences, and instead just say some words that may not have meaning to you.
  • Poor Physical Abilities.
    At this stage, the Alzheimer’s disease patient may no longer be able to walk without any assistance, as well as go to the bathroom to wash and have normal bowel functions. He may also lose the ability to chew food, so it may be best to feed him soft food and liquids.

Your elderly loved one will need quality senior care services to aid in his/her daily living. Abundant Life Assisted Services offers you quality and affordable senior home care services in Georgia. Our caregivers can assist you in daily living with the following: companionship, private duty sitting, escort to appointments, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, bathing, meal preparation, dressing, and more. Call us at 678-319-0307 to know more about us.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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